Category: Eating Disorders

  • Tips for Resolving Compulsive Eating

    Tips for Resolving Compulsive Eating Compulsive Eating or Binge Eating is understood to be an Eating Disorder (it will probably be included in the next DSM) meaning that those struggling with the disorder will have a disordered eating pattern.  In short, CED/BED (Compulsive Eating Disorder or Binge Eating Disorder) is marked by eating an unreasonable…

  • How To Change Beliefs that Aren’t Working for You

    How to Change Beliefs that Aren’t Working for You Often clients come to counselling with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and disordered eating. As we work together to understand what underlies the symptoms, we often discover simple and basically untrue beliefs. These beliefs were developed when they were younger (often as young as 3 years old)…

  • Your Self Worth is Not Equal to your Weight

    Your Self Worth is Not Equal to your Weight I’ve treated persons struggling with eating disorders, disordered eating , and weight issues for over a decade and  a common belief at the heart of these weight issues is that one’s own worth is connected to their weight.  If they weigh a large amount or they…